President & Founder | [email protected]

Stephanie Turman
An experienced leader known for being pragmatic, thoughtful, analytical and organized, Ms. Stephanie Turman offers an acumen for team building, problem solving, inclusive leadership and community empowerment. Turman is not only committed to excellence but strives to achieve operational efficiencies and improve service delivery for her clientele by leveraging her unique set of skills to consistently deliver results by aligning her business goals with her client’s needs.
Turman’s company Always Busy Consulting, LLC (ABC) was founded on the principles of achieving her vision of having a transformative impact on the local community and its various stakeholders. Turman has built up ABC to become a premiere provider of high-quality professional consulting services in the spheres of Diversity Outreach, Minority and Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WDBE) Development, Construction Support Services (e.g. CM, Inspections, Owner’s Rep), Community Outreach, and Economic Development Program Management.
ABC was one of the consulting teams selected by the Pittsburgh Penguins organization to provide M/WBE outreach assistance as part of the overall development initiative of the former civic arena site in the Hill District. ABC recently completed, on behalf of the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Lower Hill Working Group, a Community Collaboration and Implementation Plan. (CCIP). The CCIP is the road map designed to ensure economic development which maximizes inclusion for the Greater Hill District Community.
Currently, ABC has been commissioned as a subcontractor on the Pennsylvania Disparity Study, a large, complex and long-term state-wide research study for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with expansion to include PennDOT. ABC’s strategic partnership with the BBC team coordinates regional government agencies, skilled trades, and small business owners to determine the barriers M/WDBE, Veteran and LBGT small businesses encounter when contracting with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Prior to her formation of ABC, Turman had several years of corporate experience working in the public and private sectors, including the Housing Authority City of Pittsburgh (HACP). While at HACP, Turman achieved recognition for her dedication to resident support services and commitment to public service when she was selected as “Employee of the Year.” While working at HACP, she was also the face of a nationally acclaimed HACP homeownership program targeted at women called “Aint I a Woman.”
In addition to her demanding schedule in leading ABC, Turman also serves as a Commissioner on the Port Authority Board and the Allegheny County Finance and Development Commission.
In 2017, Turman received a Pennsylvania House of Representatives Proclamation recognizing her for “outstanding work in the community as a business leader and entrepreneur.”
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